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Exercise derived from the need for a person to perform daily physical activity, like crossing a road, walking upstairs, getting out of a chair, and lifting objects. It tests these movements and specially strengthens the muscle systems needed to carry out the everyday activities which can become more challenging for seniors over time (walking, torso rotation, arm and shoulder movements, fine motor skills). The exercise is gentle, and specific muscle systems are worked out by doing a given exercise. The exerciser's focus should be on completing the tasks, rather than on the exercise itself. The exercise stations are not designed for strength, so they can be completed in civilian clothes with no stress about complicated machines. The exercise is safe, and within the reach of even those with health difficulties. The apparatus is user-friendly and easy to understand.

– fun, straightforward and effective

– designed to maintain and strengthen the body and mind

– develops skills relevant for the senior age group

– developed by experts

– tried and tested by Czech seniors

– also suitable for people with health difficulties